Surrender don't come natural to me

Friday, August 25, 2006

My cat is not ugly

It is difficult to pinpoint the reason why, but it has been confirmed by many a gringo (including me) that Ramiro is the funniest Bolivian we've ever met. He has American style humor... something that is hard to come by. Everything I do with Ramiro is automatically more fun, just because he is there.

He's learning English. I appreciate the hard work he puts into learning to pronounce sayings like, "In your dreams," or "I am handsome, you are ugly," or "Papa Smurf," or "Stinky fart, " or "Girls are dangerous." I really can't do justice writing about how funny Ramiro is, you just have to trust me or experience it for yourself. The only thing I really don't like about Ramiro is that he thinks my cat is ugly. This of course is not true. My cat is strange, but not ugly.

Ramiro also likes music. Actually, most Bolivians are musical. Ross burned Ramiro a David Crowder CD and printed up some lyrics for him. So now, when we shine together, we sing praise songs. And good ones too. It is some of my favorite memories thus far here in Bolivia... shining and singing.

I have a new vision for the shoe shiners. The Bible studies are going well. We have great community on the streets, at my house, on the basketball court or over lunch. We are becoming Church, but one thing we lack is community worship. I want to start a shoe shiner worship band with all the traditional instruments: classical guitars, drum, sampollos and churangos. I would love to have them create music to give glory to God. And then to lead their peers and others. This is my latest dream.


  • At August 28, 2006 5:50 PM, Blogger Missy said…

    What is the name of this ugly/strange cat? It surely cannot be as ugly/strange as Gizmo toward's the end of his life when his eye fell out...that was certainly ugly and strange!

    Please tell me that you will consider adding a kazoo and triangle to your worship band. That way everyone feels included (I mean really, who can't play the triangle or kazoo!)

  • At August 29, 2006 12:01 PM, Blogger FFG said…

    Hey, our old cat lost his eye too! I don't know the cat and I don't know Ramiro, but I'm sure they both bring much joy and humour into your life.


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